Publications & PResentations (P&P)

P&P Committee Monthly Office Hours
*Office hours are subject to cancellation for holidays or conflicting consortium obligations.
No office hours on 3/19/2025. Regular office hours will resume the following week.
Open office hours in Zoom
Next office hours will be held:

Thursday, April 10th - 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern (12:00-1:00 PM Pacific)

Tuesday, May 6th - 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern (11:00 AM -12:00 PM Pacific)

Thursday, June 12th - 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern (12:00-1:00 PM Pacific)

This page describes the submission, deadline, and review process for manuscripts utilizing KPMP data & resources. The P&P meets twice a month to review and approve submissions received by the corresponding meeting deadline.

Submit paper proposal to P&P
  • Login required to access system
  • Proposal should include:
    Title, Proposed writing group (author list), Hypothesis or Aims, Description of data to be used, study timeline, and confirmation that any used KPMP data is/will be publicly available in concordance with the KPMP Data Sharing Plan
  • Investigator is required to review definitions and self-select categorization of concept proposal. Final categorization assignment is at the discretion of the co-chairs. The submitting investigator will be notified via email if there is discordance. To see the definitions of categories, please see the P&P charter.
P&P Review
The review timeline is contingent on the concept proposal category:
  • If (1) Look Up OR (2) Methods, a one-week electronic review by P&P Committee Chairs
  • If (3) Focused Analysis OR (4) Core Mission, a two-week review by P&P Committee
Approved proposal announced to consortium
  • Approval is updated on list of concept proposals on the Publications & Presentations App
  • Approvals are announced weekly in the KPMP newsletters, biweekly to the KPMP consortium via email and monthly on Steering Committee calls
Bring in collaborators
  • Concept proposal posted for one week to invite other investigators to participate in writing group. This is to ensure appropriate representation from across the KPMP (recruitment and tissue interrogation sites PIs, junior investigators, research coordinators).
Acquire and analyzed data
  • Any used KPMP data that is publicly available must be in accordance with the KPMP Data Sharing Plan
Submit final draft to P&P
  • Login required to access system
  • Provide a statement as to whether the scope of the paper has changed since review of the concept proposal.
    The co-chairs will assess the manuscript for concordance with the investigator’s statement of scope.

    For Look Up and Methods papers, the P&P Committee will only review the full manuscript if scope has changed from previous concept proposal approval.
  • All final draft submissions should be a near complete product with appropriate authorship and acknowledgments. Please see the P&P charter for guidance on authorship principles per category.
Double check acknowledgements and consortium authorship
  • Authorship guidelines per category are outlined in the P&P charter. Please follow the guidance that is most appropriate for your submission.
  • Contact the P&P Project Manager, Alexa Plisiewicz (, and Administrative Core Co-Director, Ashveena Dighe (, for collaborators list.
publications icon

Publications &
Presentations App

(Sign in required)

Used by KPMP investigators to facilitate the development
and publication of research using KPMP data.
How to submit a KPMP P&P manuscript.

Deadline & review schedule


Frequently asked Questions

ConCEPT proposals

When do I have to submit a concept proposal?

A concept proposal should be submitted when a discrete concept for a manuscript has been put together and the base approach has been defined.

For Focused Analysis and Core Mission proposals, it is important to consider the following evaluation criteria:

  • Verify that adequate data are available for the proposed project
  • Concept proposals should be submitted only when sufficient data is likely to be available for analysis described in the proposal. In general, it is expected that, if applicable, the manuscript be submitted for publication within 12 months from the date of proposal approval.
  • Identify and mitigate potential overlap with other projects
  • Ensure appropriate representation from across the KPMP

You should submit the concept proposal at least 2 weeks (by 12:00 PM EST) before the P&P call you would like to be reviewed on. The P&P Committee meets bi-weekly. The deadline & review schedule can be found above.

What do I include in a concept proposal submission?

The proposal will include a title, proposed writing group (author list), hypotheses or aims, description of data to be used, study timeline, and confirmation that any used KPMP data is/will be publicly available in concordance with the KPMP Data Sharing Plan.

Do I have to wait for P&P approval of the concept proposal before starting to write the manuscript?

No, but the P&P encourages KPMP investigators to submit concept proposals as early as possible so others interested have the opportunity to join the writing group.

Where can I find a list of the KPMP concept proposals in progress?

The Central Hub will include a list of active concept proposals in the weekly KPMP Newsletter. Anyone interested in joining a writing group should contact that group directly. That list of concept proposals can be found on the Publications & Presentations App.


Do I have to submit my manuscript to P&P?

All manuscripts supported fully, or in part, by KPMP data or resources should be submitted to P&P Committee for approval. This includes all manuscripts authored by a KPMP investigator and those that contain KPMP data (regardless of whether non-KPMP authors and/or data from sources beyond the KPMP are included).

I am a member of the KPMP and the KPMP data in my manuscript is publicly available (pilot tissue or otherwise).
Do I have to submit it to the P&P?

Yes. The P&P will review the manuscript to ensure it credits the KPMP appropriately. The P&P also uses the submission system to track consortium output.

I am a member of the KPMP and the KPMP data in my manuscript is previously published (pilot tissue or otherwise).
Do I have to submit it to the P&P?

Yes. The P&P will review the manuscript to ensure it credits the KPMP appropriately. The P&P also uses the submission system to track consortium output.

I am a member of the KPMP and am writing a non-KPMP related manuscript that uses previously published KPMP data (pilot tissue or otherwise) as a control dataset. Do I have to submit it to the P&P?

Yes. The P&P will review the manuscript to ensure it credits the KPMP appropriately. The P&P also uses the submission system to track consortium output.

When do I have to submit my manuscript?

You should submit a nearly final draft of the manuscript two weeks (by 12:00 PM EST) before the P&P call you would like to be reviewed on. The P&P meets bi-weekly. Please see the above deadline & review schedule section.

What verbiage should I use to include the KPMP as an author?

The verbiage guidance provided by the P&P Committee is dependent on the manuscript’s category (Look Up, Methods, Focused Analysis, Core Mission). Please see the “Authorship principles” section on page 6 of the P&P Charter.


When do I have to submit an abstract?

An abstract should be submitted at least one week before the external (i.e. conference) submission deadline. The P&P aims to review abstracts within one week of submission, independent of their meeting schedule.

For selected conferences with a high number of expected abstracts using any KPMP data (e.g. ASN), the P&P Committee will coordinate review prior to submission deadlines.


When do I have to submit a presentation?

The P&P does not require consortium members to submit presentations. The P&P Committee requests consortium members to submit the meeting details (i.e. name of meeting, location, date) for talks at national meetings. Details of the presentation are not required. However, authors are encouraged to share their presentation to the KPMP.

These submissions are optional and do not undergo formal review.

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