KPMP meta-analysis of kidney biopsy complications published in CJASN
KPMP investigators recently published "Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Native Kidney Biopsy Complications" in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).
The study requires that all participants undergo a kidney biopsy. The objective of this analysis was to study complication rates of native kidney biopsies performed using automated devices under kidney imaging.
Author Brad Rovin notes "This meta-analysis gives us a starting point for biopsy complications. We hope to supplement this with prospective data from the KPMP on biopsy complications in patients enrolled in the consortium. We anticipate that such additional data, collected meticulously under a clinical protocol will be an important addition to the biopsy safety literature".
KPMP Data Coordinating Center (DCC) Director Robyn McClelland added that "Complications from native kidney biopsy are rare, but can be serious. By combining data from many different studies via a systematic review and meta-analysis we are able to obtain more precise estimates of the proportion of patients who may experience these complications. The goal is ultimately to help patients and physicians to make informed decisions about the risk-benefit ratio of a biopsy.
This collaborative paper was led by Emilio Poggio(Cleveland Clinic), Brad Rovin (Ohio State University) and Robyn McClelland (University of Washington), and included authors from several KPMP institutions. KPMP supported University of Washington Biostatistics PhD student Spencer Hansen to assist with the statistical analysis, which was complex due to the rare nature of the study endpoints and the heterogeneity of the studies being meta-analyzed.
The following KPMP members were authors on the paper: Emilio Poggio, Robyn McClelland, Kristina Blank, Spencer Hansen, Shweta Bansal, Andrew Bomback, Pietro Canetta, Pascale Khairallah, Krzysztof Kiryluk, Stewart Lecker, Gearoid McMahon, Paul Palevsky, Samir Parikh, Sylvia Rosas, Katherine Tuttle, Miguel Vazquez, Anitha Vijayan, and Brad Rovin.
The article is open-access and can be accessed via the CJASN website.