KPMP Participant Letter:
January 2024
Dear KPMP Participant,
NIDDK Spotlights the Contributions of Our KPMP Heroes
Your contributions are making a difference, and the National Institutions of Digestive, Diabetes and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) wants the world to know. The Kidney Precision Medicine Project (KPMP) was one of a few research projects highlighted in the NIDDK annual report, Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities (January 2024). This report is widely read by Congress, federal agencies, medical researchers, doctors, and more, to share progress in kidney research and the need for future kidney research funding.
In the chapter Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases, the article, Understanding the Molecular Pathways to Kidney Injury, discusses the importance of your participation in KPMP. It explains how your de-identified biopsy data are used to understand how the kidneys work when they are healthy and what happens when they get injured (develops disease).
Your data is being used to create a “Kidney Tissue Atlas.” The atlas is a set of interactive tools built to assist the greater research community in exploring, discovering, and analyzing the de-identified KPMP data. Access to this information helps medical researchers understand how to develop new treatments and therapies. According to the report, KPMP “researchers have created the most comprehensive atlas of the human kidney to date, which can be used to help identify kidney disease subgroups and discover new, personalized treatments” for each patient.
This impressive feat would not be possible without your participation. Despite the wide distribution of the report and access to the KPMP Kidney Atlas, rest assured that your identification is concealed, and your data are being handled with care.
While we’re only a few years into the project, we’ve accomplished quite a bit. Yet, there is still much to be done. We’re excited about what your data will help us learn in the future. Thank you for being an active KPMP participant.
Interested in attending one of the All-KPMP meetings?
Please contact your recruitment site about how you can attend an upcoming meeting. This meeting is attended by all members of the KPMP team.
Upcoming All-KPMP Meetings:
- Feb 27 & 28 2024 ( Bethesda, Maryland)
- Sept 16 & 17 2024 (Bethesda, Maryland)
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Do you have family, friends or co-workers who might be interested in
learning about KPMP? Please give them this link to the KPMP Introduction video: