KPMP Participant Letter:
October 2022
Dear KPMP Participant,
Please join us as we celebrate the completion of the first five years of the Kidney Precision Medicine Project. Because of your heroism, KPMP has achieved a milestone that is already starting to show promise for people living with or at risk for kidney disease.
Safety and efficacy have been hallmarks of the KPMP research. To achieve this, the first two years were devoted to developing detailed protocols (plans with detailed guidelines), patient-oriented informed consent forms, and collateral to explain KPMP and its goals to the general public. While it took awhile, these efforts were thorough, thoughtful, and we are pleased to say that it was worth it.
Before we discuss where we go from here, let’s recap some of the important contributions that have resulted from your participation in this research.
- Study participants recruitment:
You are the real heroes of KPMP. Thanks to you, we have completed 180+ biopsies. WhileCOVID-19 impacted everyone’s ability to go into the hospitals for the study, it did create an opportunity for us to open the KPMP COVID-19 sub-study that enrolled 90 participants. Without your unselfish contribution we would not be making progress in understanding kidney diseases, their origins and progression.
- Publications:
A key part of successful research is telling patients, physicians, and other researchers about what we are learning in KPMP. Thus far we have published over 33 articles. To help make them understandable to people who aren’t kidney experts, we include a short plain-language summary on our website.
One exciting new publication is “A Reference Tissue Atlas for the Human Kidney”. This paper is the first of many more papers will include data from biopsies you have generously donated.
We are pleased to inform you that the NIH’s NIDDK (the institute focused on studying kidney diseases) has expanded KPMP during the next 5-year grant period. Going forward, KPMP will add new recruitment sites (RS) in Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, and North Carolina.
Feel free to share the locations of the new and existing recruitment sites with your family, friends and colleagues, in case they want to participate in KPMP. We are available to help. If you know of someone that is interested in joining the KPMP study in one of these locations, invite them to:
- Go to KPMP.ORG to learn more
- AND- - Contact their nearest recruitment site
Without your generous contribution, KPMP, the kidney atlas and the roadmap to new treatments and therapies would not be possible. You are truly a KPMP Hero!